The Green Mortgage provides discounted mortgage pricing available to suitably-qualified, prospective home buyers interested in buying a home or apartment subject to guidelines established by the Romania Green Building Council (RoGBC) related to superior energy efficiency and environmental considerations. See our GREEN HOMES toolkit for more details.

If you are interested in purchasing a green home, the following mortgage products dedicated to Green Homes certified by RoGBC projects are available in Romania:

Casa Ta Verde, Raiffeisen Bank

Alpha Green, Alpha Bank

Casa Mea NaturA, Banca Comercială Română

Verde Credit, Libra Bank

Vista Green Home, Vista Bank

Casa Eco, Garanti BBVA

RoGBC certified Green Loan, Banca Transilvania

Habitat Green, BRD Groupe Societe Generale

ProGreen, ProCredit Bank

 Also, Residential Project Developers building to our Green Homes standard will be able to access a special discounted green construction loan from Libra Internet Bank.  For more details contact RoGBC at